Monday, January 6, 2020
Booming Hispanic Population in Texas do not have Good...
By the year 2020, the Hispanic population in Texas will outnumber the non-Hispanic White population (Petter and Hoque, 2013). However, Hispanics do not play a significant role in the STEM workforce (Robinson, 2007). The drastically low number of Hispanic students with a STEM degree only represent 5% of the total STEM workforce (Clewell, 2006; Malcolm, 2010; Arcidiacono, Aucejo, Hotz, 2013). To further amplify the situation, 25% of jobs created over the next six years will require a bachelor’s degree (Strong American Schools, 2008). This potential shortage of qualified workers has come to a level of conscious awareness and states such as Texas could benefit from the skill sets found within this diverse group of people (Hrabowski, 2012). Another problem centers on the need to fill the void that will be left by the large number of baby boomers who are close to retirement age (Malcolm, 2010). This phenomenon is not new, studies have established a correlation between earning a col lege degree and different socio-economic levels (Swaii, Redd, Perna, 2003). Another study looked at the advantages of earning a post- secondary degree such as more pay, higher level of job satisfaction, movement between classes, access to better health insurance, and contributions as a tax payer (Baum, Ma, Payea, 2013). The Texas Higher Education plan â€Å"Closing the Gaps†has indicated the need for an educated workforce to contribute to the state’s prosperity and noted that an education takes anShow MoreRelated Curbing illegal immigration in the United States Essay2114 Words  | 9 Pagescountry an estimated $113 billion annually: $16.4 billion in Texas alone (Barnes C1). According to the Center For Immigration Studies, tax credits paid to illegal immigrants exceeded payments by illegals by $7.3 billion during the period from 2005 to 2010 (Schulkin 2). 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